New Windows 7 Screenshots at ThinkNext

Looks like ThinkNext have their hands on a copy of the 6780 (M3) build of Windows 7 and have show much more of Windows 7 than we have been able to see recently. You can view them here. The screenshots have now been taken down by Microsoft:

Going by looks, not much has changed since Vista yet, however it seems a bit glassier, apart from the changes I have mentioned previously Calculator has had a face lift in what I can only say is a good move.

It looks as though the Control Panel items have undergone a change again, though in most cases they are still fundamentally the same.

Internet Explorer 8 is included, not much of a surprise there, it should be fairly complete by the time Windows 7 is out of Beta.

Most importantly UAC appears to have been toned down extensively in Windows 7, hopefully that doesn’t compromise on the security that was originally intended.

Not much info yet, however they intend on releasing a video soon.

Google Suggest/Trends, theme editing, FileZilla issue
This is now my homepage, it is extremely handy, plus it’s slightly less bloated than the default Firefox search page, trends is quite interesting to have a look at as well.

Thanks to, and Jason I was able to fix some issues I was having with the Gravatar section of the theme which is by default not supported, the code at first didn’t work I figure because it was incorrectly detecting the WordPress version as something less than 2.5 however there was a </div> that had no starting tag which caused the theme style to get messed up also, after fixing those the Gravatars work fine now.

I have been experiencing a ‘DDE execute request failed’ error in FileZilla 3 when choosing to view/edit files regardless of the fact that it does appear to view/edit the file perfectly fine, there doesn’t appear to be any information that I can find about it when searching around.
I managed to stop it appearing by setting a default text editor, choosing ‘Always use default editor’ and unchecking ‘Inherit system’s file-type associations’, must be a Vista/FileZilla/TextPad/UAC thing.

I received my Windows Vista upgrade advisor shirt not long ago, it’s very well made but I don’t think I’ll be wearing it anywhere anytime soon.

I just found out what a post slug is…